Sunday 11 December 2011

What I Should and Will Be Doing

So, this week will be the last week of school for us before the Christmas Vacation finally kick starts. The start of the 2nd semester for me hasn't gone the way I intended for it to be, but I guess I'm lucky to just still be alive. 

I decided that I should type the things that I should be doing so that I would have a motivation to actually do it and something to remind me that I should do it. This is entry is not something I just decided to do. this actually is supported by a fact I read in our book in the subject Training and Development entitled Effective Training by Blanchard and Tacker.

It says there that if someone shares what he or she has learned in the training and the things that he or she will do to incorporate the new learnings to improve his job then he/she makes a public commitment. A Public Commitment helps a person stay on track since he has put it out in public and the result of being not being able to do the said task would provide shame and embarrassment to the trainee's part. (This has just been paraphrased in such a way that I could remember the concept in my head; I should go look it up and type here the very paragraph they wrote).

So this blog entry serves as my public commitment and I promise to post on updates as to how I have progressed through my To-Do List.
So what are the things that I should be doing?

For this week I should, on:

Dec. 12, 2011

- Finish filling up the gaps in my OJT journal
- Administer projective tests and objective tests
- Buy gift for Kris-Kringle
- Finish finding definition of terms for PGC

Dec. 13, 2011

- Go to the Library to look for Related Literature for Thesis
- Finish half of the revision for Chapter 2 of Thesis
- Figure out Thesis

Dec. 14, 2011

- Prepare for mini-Christmas party on Dec. 15
- Buy outfit for Paskuhan (Dec. 16)
- Start on Psychological Report

Dec. 15, 2011

- Attend the Mini-Christmas Party
- Prepare things for Paskuhan and Christmas Party at the Clinic
- Have concept for MTV

Dec. 16, 2011

- Come what may.
- Paskuhan Day.

These are the things that I think I should do this week. The amount of work done each day depends on what will really happen this week.

I have made my public commitment and I hope to keep track on it. Feel free to follow me on this journey of mine. :)

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