Friday 30 December 2011

My 2011 Year Ender

It has been quite a while since I've written or typed or published a year-ender blog entry.  It's quite odd that I look back at the year 2011 and I think to myself, "Crap! What happened? I can't remember a thing." And so I probably have lost grip on the things that have been happening and might have been too focused on the tasks at hand that I have forgotten what as happened in the year that was, 2011.

I shall now try to go back through the months of 2011 and try to see if I have learned anything. Or just stating all my learnings and realizations here would be helpful to me and to you, whoever you are reading this entry. I hope that by the end of this entry, I have been reminded of the things that was 2011 and that you have learned something from me. I'm very much hoping that you would be touched somehow by whatever I will type in this entry of mine. So here goes nothing...

Realization #1:

Take Risks. Take risks only if you are prepared to face the consequences and challenges of the action that you have done. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that if  you think that it's worth taking the risk, then take it but be sure that no matter what the consequence of your actions are that you will learn from it and store it in your inventory as part of your arsenal of surviving this game called life.

Realization #2:

Opposites attract each other, but there's a roughly around 10% chance that you'd find someone who's the same as you are and still be in a very good relationship. It's just that when you wanna find someone who will be your long time partner, don't go judging them at first look like, "Oh! He/She is different from me. I think we'll be good together." 

Then again, who am I to tell you how to look for that lifetime partner when I don't even have a boyfriend. I have been single since birth but I give out pretty good relationship advice.

Realization #3:

Realizations come from the most unlikely places. You know how people tell you that things happen for a reason? Well, it's true. Everything does happen for a reason, but not all reason to everything is meant to be figured out. There would be awesome days where you would just tell yourself, "Oh, so that's why this happened" or "Oh, that's why I was here and I made that decision." But some or most of the time, you just don't know why but you're put into a favorable situation. You might even just realize something else.

Realization #4:

Love the people, Hate the job. Have you ever felt like going to work and thinking, "Crap! I hate my job!" but then all of a sudden you see the people you work with and you're all, "Good thing I have these people around me." You see, you just have to find one thing that's good in every situation. I think that's one of the keys to survival.

Realization #5:

If you need help, seek help. This could mean a lot of things from how to do simple tasks to how to cope with life. Every person in this world needs help with something. We live symbiotically meaning what I do benefits you. But you may have the question, what if what he does, doesn't benefit me at all? Well then what you're doing might benefit him. Still symbiotic, right?

So I guess at the end of it all...I still remain the same person as I was last year. Although there might have been minor changes, but I'd like to think that my values and virtues are still the same. The events of everyday life makes us change in such a way that we figure out how to deal, cope, adapt, to the ever progressing days of our lives.

My final say is that: We shouldn't just make the Final Day of a YEAR important, but we must cherish EACH DAY of the YEAR because it only happens once. We may not remember each day but at least somehow, we should hope that we have learned something from it. :)

Cheers to a new year. You're 2011 may have been rough and bitter and dark but there's always a brand new day. A brand new day to change the way things are. Oh, and don't think too much about the future because that's why you tend to forget today. :)

One more think, count your makes you all giddy inside even if you have counted just one, but I doubt it.

Thank you for taking time to read this. That's one blessing I've counted, already. :">

Sunday 18 December 2011

Re: What I Should and Will Be Doing

After a week, I have done nothing out of all the things that I publicly committed to doing. Looks like public commitment doesn't work for me. Or maybe it's because there wasn't a single person asking me how I'm doing about the things that I intended to do.

The lesson here is, feedback is important. No matter what you are doing, you need someone to tell you how you're doing or just to check up on you. It's all part of communication and understanding.

That is all.

Thursday 15 December 2011


I have a confession to make. I'm currently 19 years old and I still don't have a boyfriend. I'd like to think that my standards doesn't really exist or I just don't really know and can't really define what I'm looking for. I'd like to think that I would know when the right person comes. 

And so for the past few years of my life, suitors have been asking me and I have continually rejected their proposal to court me. They weren't the guy I was looking for. And I guess I just continue on day dreaming about the perfect guy or fantasizing about a famous celebrity crush.

Yes, I'm not ready to take the risk just yet because I don't know how to. Because I'm uncertain of what the future could be. Because I don't want to fall so madly in love and then when we break up, I don't want to cry rivers of tears. Because I'm afraid to give my all and I'm afraid that I might give my all. I'm not ready to be selfish just yet.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Re: Update on What I Should be doing and Will be Doing

Dec. 12, 2011

I didn't get to do all the things that I had to do on this day. I don't really have a rationalization for it. The only thing I achieved was to administer projective tests. I did fill up the gaps in my journal but I didn't get to finish it.

Anyway, this day was such a disaster. I guess I'm just glad to be in a practicum site where I have to be in a happy disposition. I'm still blessed though even if I know that I failed a quiz. I'm just hoping that I would be able to graduate.

For those who have come across my blog, thank you for taking a glance. It means a lot to for you to even have seen it for a few seconds.

So I should end this blog since its purpose is now unknown.

DramaSwag out!

Sunday 11 December 2011

What I Should and Will Be Doing

So, this week will be the last week of school for us before the Christmas Vacation finally kick starts. The start of the 2nd semester for me hasn't gone the way I intended for it to be, but I guess I'm lucky to just still be alive. 

I decided that I should type the things that I should be doing so that I would have a motivation to actually do it and something to remind me that I should do it. This is entry is not something I just decided to do. this actually is supported by a fact I read in our book in the subject Training and Development entitled Effective Training by Blanchard and Tacker.

It says there that if someone shares what he or she has learned in the training and the things that he or she will do to incorporate the new learnings to improve his job then he/she makes a public commitment. A Public Commitment helps a person stay on track since he has put it out in public and the result of being not being able to do the said task would provide shame and embarrassment to the trainee's part. (This has just been paraphrased in such a way that I could remember the concept in my head; I should go look it up and type here the very paragraph they wrote).

So this blog entry serves as my public commitment and I promise to post on updates as to how I have progressed through my To-Do List.
So what are the things that I should be doing?

For this week I should, on:

Dec. 12, 2011

- Finish filling up the gaps in my OJT journal
- Administer projective tests and objective tests
- Buy gift for Kris-Kringle
- Finish finding definition of terms for PGC

Dec. 13, 2011

- Go to the Library to look for Related Literature for Thesis
- Finish half of the revision for Chapter 2 of Thesis
- Figure out Thesis

Dec. 14, 2011

- Prepare for mini-Christmas party on Dec. 15
- Buy outfit for Paskuhan (Dec. 16)
- Start on Psychological Report

Dec. 15, 2011

- Attend the Mini-Christmas Party
- Prepare things for Paskuhan and Christmas Party at the Clinic
- Have concept for MTV

Dec. 16, 2011

- Come what may.
- Paskuhan Day.

These are the things that I think I should do this week. The amount of work done each day depends on what will really happen this week.

I have made my public commitment and I hope to keep track on it. Feel free to follow me on this journey of mine. :)

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Too much?

I'm the kind of friend that if I have something to give, I would. The kind of friend that's alright to sacrifice for the sake of the persons I love, which are my closest friends. But lately, I'm feeling that I'm being too generous.It's mostly about money matters anyway, and sacrificing my time as well. I pay for something, some never pay me back.

I think that's it's the usual problem between people who borrow money from each other and forgets or tries to forget to pay back. It's just so irritating for me that I let it continue. Why can't I be the person who's so stingy with money?!

I wish I could just have no money at all in my wallet. Maybe that's what I'll do.. not have any money in my wallet, except for the money that I could spend to buy food. Now that's an idea.

I'll keep you posted as to what will happen.