Friday 16 March 2012

Best Friend

The only time I have called someone my BEST FRIEND was way back in 2nd grade, if I can remember correctly. I was ignorant back then and was so easily fooled; always had thought that a best friend is someone who you hang out with most of the time in school and after school. A best friend is a person who you share your secrets with not knowing that he/she shares your secrets to others as well. I thought way back then that a Best Friend is someone who your mom knows and welcomes into your home and let's you hang out with him/her.

But as I lived my life throughout the years after that one fateful day that my Best Friend and I had to go on our separate ways, I have learned what a Best Friend really is. Although my concept of a true Best Friend is based on movies and TV Series. I have accumulated all of those things and I have formed a concept of what a Best Friend is.

In my opinion, a True Best Friend is someone who is always there when you need them. Someone who always offers his/her shoulder when you need to cry or lends an ear when you need to rant. A person who is capable of making you happy even though you think that you are in deep depression and nothing in the world can make you smile. That one person who comes running to you wherever you are just because you need help or just because you need a hug. A best friend is always willing to do anything for me. A person who would know that I love surprises and would go the extra 1,000miles just to make me feel special.

And all throughout those years that I had this concept in my head, the more the reality is slapping me in the face and keeps on telling me that this kind of person does not exist at all. Reality tells me that I can keep on dreaming but it will never come. There is not one person in this earth who will love you more than your family, who will love you more than yourself, and who will love you more than him/her self.

This realization resulted to me not being able to identify any close friend of mine as a BEST FRIEND. I enforce to my other friends that I am the BESTEST BEST FRIEND they have ever had, but it wasn't that way. I was trying to be my own concept of a Best Friend thinking that they would return the favor to me and be that way. But it was just a sea of disappointments when I knew I gave more than I had to give but gained nothing except for their friendship.

The Golden Rule: Do unto others what you want others do unto you, isn't always true. I have,  for so many years now, done to others what I want others to do to me. It never happens. I just don't want my expectations to be further crushed and so I have resolved to not calling any of my friends my Best Friend.

But your opinion of a Best Friend is different from mine and you may have found your Bestest Best Friend in the whole wide world and you might think that I'm just bitter because I haven't gotten one yet; I respect you. If you have a TRUE Best Friend right now, cherish them; they're really hard to find and to get.

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