Monday 13 May 2013

Mistaken Identity

Have you ever been asked by someone of you know that you're coming off a certain way? Perhaps, arrogant? childish? too whatever? And sometimes you tell them that you do know it and sometimes you do acknowledge that you come off as the way they described you but somehow, it still hurts inside to actually hear these negative things rolling out someone else's tongue?

You know for a fact that you have accepted yourself; you've acknowledged every positive every negative thing about you. So why are you hurting? Why do you feel that pain of the pinch of reality? Because that's the thing. It's REALITY.

You may have acknowledged yourself to be that but deep inside you still hope that it's not true. That thought that people see you differently. Then one day, someone validates what you thought about yourself.

Tell you what... It's normal to feel that way and as long as nobody else is hurting and if you're comfortable in your own skin and you're doing good to everybody else then shake it off and stand proud as hell.

Don't be afraid to be yourself.