Saturday 25 February 2012

Don't Know What's Going On

As my head spins round and round not knwing what's going on anymore, it still keeps on thinking and thinking about all the things that's supposed to be going on. I have other things more important to type than this thought of mine, but I need a break.
Have you ever felt that there's so many things to do but when you think about it, you have lesser things to do than you originally thought. But then you start to lie low and talk yourself into just relaxing because you've got a small quantity of job that's left to be done. Then you realize after a while that you've been relaxing too much and once again, that small quantity turns into a large one and you start to over-think.

Anxiety. Stress. This is what kills me. If I were to die right now, my cause of death might be due to palpitation. This is what I deal with, what we deal with, in our day to day lives and are you not suprised that you're still alive?

Life.Is.A.Cycle. We do one thing and then it leads to another and so on and without us realizing, it already went full circle to the one event that triggered it all.

Graduation. So near yet so far. There are a lot of obstacles to go through and just when you see the light, you see the hurdles more clearly. Sometimes, it's vague. It's vague because you just don't want to see it. You choose not to see it. You choose to not be in reality and hide in your little happy bubble not minding about the things to be done. But just like everything, it ends. As we roll, roll, roll in our happy bubble, we come across and obstacle that eventually pops our happy bubble and reality laughs its evil laugh and we're lost.

Lost. Where have we gone to? We're too engrossed with ourselves that when we come to realize what date it is, we have no idea how we got there. if you look back at your life, I hope that you would be amazed and think to yourself, "How the hell was I able to get here?" And let this be your motivation when faced with difficult times. You got to the next level because you survived the previous ones. You.Can.Do.It.